ABOUT - increase income exponentially quantum field neuroscience spiritual empowering visionary coaching experience joy ease self-love freedom innovative neuroscience quantum field power creational authority transformation money mindset abundance


Regina Martinelli Your Wealthy Self - enjoy accomplishments reprogram subconscious shift limiting beliefs manifest dream life empowering visionary coaching experience joy ease self-love freedom innovative neuroscience quantum field power creational

Hi, I’m Regina…..

Throughout my 25+ years in business, helping others build their wealth, I came to a profound realization. True wealth begins by building oneself first—the foundation of recognizing one's worth, deserving, and purpose. This inner transformation is essential for creating vibrant self-worth, sustaining success, and fostering a deep sense of fulfillment.

Wealth truly starts with You, and this insight has become the cornerstone of my mission to empower others to break free from their limiting beliefs, fears, shame, confusion and the lack of self-acceptance…in order to design a life that’s aligned with your authentic self.

As you may know, by creating the wealth within - that’s how you manifest wealth outwardly in your life…it’s the inside job that creates the outside Success, Abundance & Wealth. 

MY STORY - wealth money mindset remove stuck patterns enjoy accomplishments reprogram subconscious shift limiting beliefs manifest dream life empowering visionary coaching experience joy ease self-love freedom innovative neuroscience quantum field

My Foundational Story

I was raised in a farming family, working in the fields by age 6. My father instilled a strong work ethic, emphasizing that hard work was essential to deserve anything in life, especially money. “Money doesn’t grow on trees” and “there has to be sacrifice to succeed” was the air I breathed. I grew up believing if I worked hard and sacrificed, then and only then, I might deserve some success or money.

Additionally, my father would say, “No one can live better than another in this family.” Striving for more was akin to breaking the family bond, almost like betrayal.

Lastly our family didn’t discuss money openly. Trying to talk about money was a hushed subject; it was a dirty secret to share how much you had and if you had “too much” it was embarrassing. Thus making the idea of celebrating money forbidden.

These beliefs created a constant internal conflict where part of me yearned for greater success and financial freedom, and another part was shackled by shame of wanting more and the guilt and fear of alienating my family. 

My choices were to turn against myself with what I really wanted or to turn away from my family.

Many times I’d have great success, yet if it was “too much” money or it came “too easily,” those feelings of not being worthy or deserving would activate. Thus having me subconsciously send the money away until I felt I’d worked hard enough, sacrificed enough or struggled enough to be deserving of it.

It would disappear as an unexpected car expense or I’d compulsively spend it until my bank account matched my impoverished, internal dialog of my worth. I’d even diminish my accomplishments because I didn’t believe I deserved celebration.

After years of living life this way, and being exhausted from working very hard to create the money I wanted…I knew there had to be a better way, an easier way to make, keep and enjoy money.  

Regina Martinelli Your Wealthy Self 360TV - remove stuck patterns enjoy accomplishments reprogram subconscious shift limiting beliefs manifest dream life empowering visionary coaching experience joy ease self-love freedom innovative neuroscience

Now I have clarity of purpose, inner
peace, freedom to be myself and I truly
love who I am, exactly as I am. Also I
expanded my capacity for wealth within
myself, creating more outward financial
freedom in my life.

And I didn’t have to sacrifice who I am or my financial
security to become My Wealthy Self. This is what I want for you, if its what you want too.


Once I shifted my limiting patterns of needing to work hard, sacrifice and struggle to feel deserving of abundance…I instilled more useful beliefs for what I wanted to manifest.

Regina Martinelli - enjoy accomplishments reprogram subconscious shift limiting beliefs manifest dream life empowering visionary coaching experience joy ease self-love freedom innovative neuroscience quantum field power creational authority
Regina Martinelli Your Wealthy Self Money Coach TV Show 360tv  - increase income exponentially quantum field neuroscience spiritual empowering visionary coaching experience joy ease self-love freedom innovative neuroscience quantum field power create

Your Creational Authority is Your Birthright.

Creating My Wealthy Self inspired me to help others, like you, break free of your trance beliefs, limiting stories, childhood wounds and old stuck patterns to have:


A Life You Design with Purpose

Freedom to be Yourself

Inner Peace with Clarity

Rich Self-Worth

Daily Joy in Expressing Who You Truly Are

Regina Martinelli - design your life with purpose freedom to be yourself inner peace clarity break free from trance beliefs limiting stories childhood wounds stuck patterns inspiration
Regina Martinelli - inspiring empowering visionary coaching experience joy ease self-love freedom innovative neuroscience quantum field power creational authoritytransformation money mindset abundance success create prosperity manifestation


Regina Martinelli - reprogram subconscious shift limiting beliefs manifest dream life empowering visionary coaching experience joy ease self-love freedom innovative neuroscience quantum field power creational authority brilliant deep powerful coach
Regina Martinelli - shift limiting beliefs manifest dream life empowering visionary coaching experience joy ease self-love freedom innovative neuroscience quantum field power creational authority law of attraction transform
Regina Martinelli - increase income exponentially quantum field neuroscience spiritual empowering visionary coaching experience joy ease self-love freedom innovative neuroscience quantum field power release guilt
Regina Martinelli - manifesting satisfaction success prosperity abundance wealth money mindset remove stuck patterns enjoy accomplishments reprogram subconscious shift limiting beliefs manifest dream life empowering visionary coaching experience joy

Regina Martinelli is a globally-recognized Master Coach, Transformation Expert and TV Show Host. Regina is a catalyst for high-achieving individuals to start having their big, fabulously juicy life by undoing their self-sabotaging patterns. She will help you transform your internal blocks, transcend your limiting beliefs and have mastery of self with confidence, security and safety. She will save you time and frustration as she goes deep as a niche expert in Transformational NLP, Family Constellations and Holographic (Quantum Field) practices to uncover what needs to be healed, reckoned with or tended to in order for you to have what you really want.

And as a transformational coach for over 25 years, and as the Founder & CEO of Your Wealthy Self, Regina helps you to stop hiding your light and holding yourself back, so Your Wealthy Self can finally be Alchemized!

Credentials: Globally-recognized Master Coach, Transformational Expert and TV Show Host. Master’s Degree in Organizational Development/Change Management; Certified Master Transformational-NLP Practitioner; Family Constellations Facilitator; Chief Beliefs Officer at Mingle Mocktails. Previous: Seminar Leader for Alison Armstrong; Staff at Landmark Education Corporation; EVP of Sales & Marketing for a multi-generational business; and Sales/Marketing Manager for a Fortune 500 company.

Regina Martinelli - manifesting satisfaction success prosperity abundance wealth money mindset remove stuck patterns enjoy accomplishments reprogram subconscious shift limiting beliefs manifest dream life empowering visionary coaching experience joy
ABC NBC CBS UK HERALD TRIBUNE BUSINESS NEWS TIMES neuroscience empowering visionary coaching experience joy ease self-love freedom innovative neuroscience quantum field power creational authority transformation money mindset abundance success
  • Everyone says: I deserve Abundance, Success, Money, Happiness, Freedom, etc….

    Yes you do deserve it. And you may say that with confidence and feel that viscerally - yet if you are not having the results or fulfillment that you want….then there is most likely a subconscious belief that is sabotaging that result and satisfaction.

  • Money is one way we engage with the world. It can directly reveal our beliefs about ourselves, our worthiness, deserving, validity along with how safe, secure, happy, and free we feel. So “Talking Money” is really the window to the abundance, success, clarity, purpose, self confidence, belonging, happiness, safety and fulfillment you desire.

    Try viewing money not as something to fill a lack but as a tool to help you more fully express yourself and as an ally to create what you want.

    The Universe does NOT say you can have what you want only after you make $X, work hard enough, put your time in or are a good, decent person. You probably know a lot of people who have lots of money who don’t work much, if at all, and are not nice people to be around.

    So creating Success, Money & Abundance is not based on how much you struggle, sacrifice or how saintly you act…that is just a belief.

  • The Universe mirrors back what you are putting out. And if its a belief, whether conscious or unconscious, that “life is hard” or “there’s never enough” or “I don’t deserve this” or “I just don’t feel fulfilled” or “I don’t know what I want” or “I have no purpose”…then this is what you will get mirrored back in your life.

    Thoughts are energy and in the Quantum Field these take on a life of their own and start to attract like energies, thoughts and manifestations. They become stabilized, then contract our experience of who we are, our abilities, capabilities, self-worth, deserving and happiness in the world.

    Changing what gets mirrored back, is just a matter of revising those hidden subconscious beliefs and replacing them with new conscious beliefs that you choose, that support what you are wanting now. And these new beliefs create energetic patterns that attract like energies, opportunities, people, experiences and help manifest what you consciously desire.